Monday, 2025.02.24
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Ursula Kampmann


Sikyon and its Chimaira

Why do we find Chimaira on the staters of the city of Sikyon? A search for traces...

The Laurion silver

But one day, one noon, I believed I had found it. I was at Sounion all by myself; the summerly sun was burning; the wounded pines dripped resin...

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

Alexander of Abonuteichos – a lesson from Asia Minor about gullibility in the 2nd cent. A. D.

You are one of those people who believe than there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy? Well, you are in accordance with a deep-seated tradition and can appeal to the fact that already in antiquity there were people who thought the same as you. ..

Charlemagne and the Popes – On the way to the Imperial crown

At Künker’s spring auction on March 12 and 13, 2012 a spectacular portrait Denarius of Charlemagne will be put to auction. The sole coin makes you dream. But the story behind it is fascinating as well: you can read it here.

Medieval Sicily Part 4: The Normans are coming

Around AD 1000, Sicily was ruled and shaped by the Arabs, Lower Italy by the Byzantines and the Lombards. Then the Normans came and created a new empire in the South ...

Virginia City – Where monetary history was written…

Do you believe, too, that precious metal always retains its value? Well, then you better accompany us to Virginia City, where, in the Comstock Lode, so much silver was found that the silver standard was rendered obsolete.

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

The mints of San Francisco Part 1: The Old Mint

Join us on our trip to the “Old Mint” of San Francisco. Old and new photos give an insight into the minting as it was done in The Granite Lady.
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