American Numismatic Society 2013 Annual Gala a Success

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February 7, 2013 – The American Numismatic Society held its 2013 Annual Gala event on 10 January at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. The event honored Roger Siboni, who retired as ANS President in October 2012, as well as ANS Curatorial Associate Richard B. Witschonke, and Rosemary Lazenby, Curatorial Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

ANS Gala 10 January 2013 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NYC. Photo: Alan Roche. Courtesy American Numismatic Society

The Society raised over $260,000, which will support its many activities and events. In a surprise announcement, Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan, ANS Exectuve Director, read aloud a letter from Trustee Richard Beleson, who donated $100,000 to the Society in honor of his friend Richard Witschonke. Over 200 guests attended the event and were entertained by the comedy of David Deeble and music by the Lester Lanin Orchestra. ANS Fellow Harmer Johnson ran a successful live auction, which raised over $20,000.

ANS President Syd Martin (left) and Gala Honoree, Roger Siboni, recipient of the Trustees’ Award. Photo: Alan Roche. Courtesy American Numismatic Society

ANS President Sydney F. Martin presented the Trustees’ award to Roger Siboni and spoke about his extraordinary vision, support and leadership during his tenure on the Board of Trustees, which Siboni led as President from 2007-2012. In this period, the ANS sold its downtown building, raised significant funds for the build-out of its new headquarters at Varick Street, and raised the overall endowment level. Siboni thanked the ANS Trustees, staff and volunteers for all their hard work over the last years, as well as the ANS Fellows, Members and Augustus B. Sage Society members for their continued support of the Society.

From left: Ute Wartenberg Kagan, ANS Executive Director; Gala Honoree Richard Witschonke, recipient of a Distinguished Service Award; and Andrew Burnett, Deputy Director, The British Museum. Photo: Alan Roche. Courtesy American Numismatic Society

Dr. Andrew M. Burnett, Deputy Director of the British Museum, presented a Distinguished Service Award to Richard Witschonke, who was honored for his more than forty-decades of commitment and support of the Society. In his capacity as a Co-Director of the Eric P. Newman Graduate Seminar since 2006, Witschonke helped to educate dozens of graduate and post-graduate students. As one of the leading specialists of Roman Republican coinage, Mr. Witschonke has helped the Society to improve its collections and assisted with enquiries, visitors and exhibitions. ANS Chairman Kenneth E. Edlow presented a Distinguished Service Award to Rosemary Lazenby and praised her for her hard work over the last ten years as the organizer of the many joint exhibitions of the Society and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York including the acclaimed long running exhibit Drachmas, Doubloons and Dollars: The History of Money.

Dr. Wartenberg Kagan expressed her appreciation to the sponsors and donors for their participation and generous contributions to the event. “We are delighted that this gala honoring Roger, Rick and Rosemary was such a great success. It will greatly improve our ability to serve our members in the coming year”, Dr. Wartenberg Kagan said.

The ANS Gala was sponsored by 14 Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors, and by over 50 other donors and supporters. The auction of 20 items, including wine, books, vacation home, dinners etc., was organized by ANS Life Member, Mary Lannin.

Gold Sponsors
* Anderson & Anderson
* Whitman Publishing, LLC

Silver Sponsors
* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams
* Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania & London,
* Gemini Numismatic Auctions
* Mr. Sydney F. Martin
* Mr. Roger S. Siboni
* Mr. Richard B. Witschonke

Bronze Sponsors
* Dr. Alain Baron NG SA
* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Edlow
* Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG
* Heritage Auctions
* Nomos AG, Zürich, Switzerland
* Stack’s Bowers Galleries

For more information about the American Numismatic Society visit their website.