July 13, 2017 – The American Israel Numismatic Association (AINA) has issued a triple-commemorative medal to celebrate its 50th anniversary and two historic events in the history of Israel. The design concepts by Mel Wacks were refined and sculpted by renowned medalist Heidi Wastweet. Mel has been President of AINA for 15 years, and Heidi Wastweet has created over 1,000 coins, medals, and tokens since 1987. In 2010, Heidi was invited to serve a four year term on the Citizen’s Coinage Advisory Committee for the U.S. Mint and is now serving her second term.
The obverse of the new AINA medal shows a portrait of Arthur James Balfour.
The obverse commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration; it features a portrait of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour and the historic text from his letter sent on November 2, 1917 to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland: “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national homeland for the Jewish people.”
The medal’s reverse pictures the Israeli Defense Forces liberating the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City on June 7th, 1967.
The reverse pictures the Israeli Defense Forces liberating the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City on June 7th, 1967. Triumphant Brigadier General Shlomo Goren, later to become the Chief Rabbi of Israel, is shown holding a Torah and sounding the shofar (ram’s horn), as Israeli soldiers honor their comrades killed in combat. Rabbi Goren then recited “Le-shana HA-ZOT be-Yerushalayim ha-b’nuya, be-yerushalayim ha-atika!” – a portion of which is featured on the medal: “THIS YEAR IN A REBUILT JERUSALEM-5727.” The legend also includes: “REUNIFICATION OF JERUSALEM JUNE 7, 1967.”
The third commemoration is inscribed on the edge: “AINA 50th ANNIVERSARY 1967-2017.”
Tiny mintages are limited to just 250 bronze, 100 pure 2 ½ oz. silver and 50 gold-plated pure 2 ½ oz. silver 2-inch high relief medals, produced by Medallic Art Company – available at $50 for bronze, $200 for pure silver, $250 for gold-plated pure silver, and $485 for a 3-piece set. Add $5 per order for shipping in US, $18 overseas. Each serial numbered triple-commemorative medal comes with a certificate of authenticity and metal display stand.
Mention that you read about these medals in CoinsWeekly and take 20% discount. To order call 818-225-1348 or send check to AINA, PO Box 20255, Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 or contact Mel Wacks directly via e-mail.
AINA publishes The Shekel, The Journal of Israel and Jewish History and Numismatics, quarterly. Dues are $25 per year in U.S., $35 elsewhere.
For further information on the periodical or the organization click here.