April 11, 2013 – Until October 27, 2013 the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art displays objects from academic collections of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies of Vienna University. ‘Academic Objects? – Paths to Knowledge’ illustrate how research works in real life.
The public is becoming ever more aware of university collections. In contrast to objects housed in museums, these collections are usually the result of research activities and teaching work. This is the first exhibition to present a selection of the objects held at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna.
Institute for numismatics and monetary history. Photo: Viktor Brázdil.
Extraordinary ego documents, 5000-year-old axes, epic account books, dummy vessels from ancient Egypt, Greek movies, squeezes, heads of Apollo, unpublished writings, sexist straw, professor’s slippers, cybernetic slides, the ‘World Misc.’ folder and much more – they all are elements of the ‘cosmos’ of academia.
Institute for pre and proto history. Photo: Viktor Brázdil.
Various contributions from the disciplines of Egyptology, Ancient History, Byzantine and Modern Greek studies, …
Institute for European ethnology. Photo: Viktor Brázdil.
… European Ethnology, History, Classical Archaeology, Art History, Numismatics and Monetary History, Prehistoric and Medieval Archaeology, Economic and Social History, as well as Contemporary History give fascinating insights into this cosmos.
You can find more information on this exhibition on the website of the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art.