by Björn Schöpe
September 29, 2011 – The expression “a dream came true” sounds too trite, and in this case it is inappropriate indeed. But things had just started so promisingly well. As he always does, a couple of weeks ago the unemployed Rossen Todorov was looking for scrap metal with his metal detector nearby Svishtov in northern Bulgaria.
But that day his detector gave a signal in front of a tree. Digging Mr Todorov found a clay pot full with ancient gold juwels and bronze instruments, including axe blades. According to an expert the finding dates to the bronze age, around 4,000 years ago. Archeologists estimate the treasure worth of about 1.5 million euro.
At first Mr Todorov hid his treasure at home, but soon the police interfered. To evade charges against him, Mr Todorov decided to donate the finding to the local museum.
But it may take time until visitors will be able to see the bronze age objects there: At the Svishtov museum there is no safe cabinet strong enough to protect it. After the “dream came true” the unemployed Bulgarian did not earn anything except trouble. A reward has never been mentioned till now.
Some media reported on this case; e. g. you may read about it here …
… and here.
A Bulgarian tv video clip shows the objects found by Mr Todorov here.