September 27, 2012 – In Thessaloniki an ancient Temple of Aphrodite was buried below masses of soil. On September 18, 2012 authorities unexpectedly decided to put thus an end to the civil activism that had emerged in the quarter around the building.
We reported on how people showed interest in this symbol of their history, obtaining, finally, the authority’s permission to cleanse the monument’s remainings. Now, however, we hear that the same authorities decreed, against the citizens’ will and intentions, to bury the temple again. Nobody knows how this story will continue and what may be the intentions of the Archaeological Service – if there are any. We hope for the best and wish men and women around Antigonidon Square, where the temple is located, energy and all the best in their struggle for the preservation of a symbol of local heritage.
You can see how the temple was buried in these videos here, here and here.
On the previous attempts to save the temple, we reported here and here.
The website of the Temple of Venus offers further information.