April 5, 2012 – The XIX ICOMON meeting 2012 will be held at the Bank Al-Maghrib Museum, Intersection of Allal Ben Abdellah Avenue and Al-Qahira Street, Rabat, Morocco.
First announcement and Call for papers
“Money and Banking Museums: New challenges and perspectives”
Globalisation is eroding cultural and national identities and making the world more uniform, and unfortunately the global financial crisis is exacerbating this. In this context, museums, and among them money and banking museums, have a greater role to play in the preserving and embedding of national identity. However cost savings, budget restrictions and human resource reductions have been the key words for every company and institution since 2008, and have not spared museums.
Participants are expected to discuss about how museums are able to play an integral role in reinforcing national identity in both developed and developing countries even if at first glance they may not appear to have the same priorities as education, agriculture or health.
Here are some topics that can be debated during the ICOMON Meeting:
Overcome the economic difficulties left by the global financial crisis:
- Pool educational and research services, experiences and administrative tools
- Exchange information
- Create synergies (partnerships …)
- Governance and funding in time of crisis
Make museums more accessible to the public:
- Understand new public’s expectations
- Attract and develop loyalty of visitors / develop museum culture in developing countries
- Create an online interface
Play a major role in educating new generations:
- Economic educational programs
- Organise workshops
- Make museums contents more accessible
- Preserve and promote the national heritage of the country
If you would like to prepare a 20-minute paper, please send a short abstract (max. 1000 words) which includes: title, author(s) name, institutional postal address and e-mail address, to: sa.daoudi@bkam.ma no later than April 27, 2012.
After the meeting, selected papers will be presented on the ICOMON website.
Contact details:
Daoud Samia
Musée de Bank al-Maghrib
tel: +212 5 37 21 64 72
fax: +212 5 37 21 64 59
Details related to the Meeting will be available from April 2012. For more information, please refer to the website.