June 2, 2011 – At the beginning of May 2011 a construction worker found a hoard of sovereigns while digging a trench in the port city of Australian Albany. The exact number of these coins, their date and their value are obscure. An article of the Telegraph reports that between 300 and 400 coins were found. The author of this article states that a date of 1800, which his sources are mentioning, is impossible, because sovereigns were struck only after 1817.
Nevertheless, authorities discuss, who will be the legal owner of this treasure. Initially the building contractor returned the coins to the owner of the property, because he had laid claim to the coins. Now, police investigates whether there are other laws dealing with situations like this. For example, there are deliberations, whether there is a law regulating that all historical troves have to end up in a museum…
More information about the Australian treasure trove, you will find here.
The deliberations about the legal situation you will read at this local Website.