September 30th, 2010 – On May 20th, 2010, we appealed for money in order to support the restoration of the numismatic collections of the badly affected Cologne City Archive.
The Cologne City Archive shortly after the collapse. Photograph: Frank Domahs / Wikipedia.
More than 30 numismatic journals, forums and blogs from home and abroad supported this campaign. Now, we are able to rescue an important testimony of Cologne’s numismatic past.
The remains of a Cologne Münzwardein book from the 15th century.
With your help a precious book from the 15th century will be restored. It was written by a Cologne Münzwardein (warden of the mint), who figured out and wrote down the intrinsic values and the exchange rates of those coins circulating then in Cologne. The book was written to be used. It is of high historical value for those, who want to learn more about the work of a Münzwardein.
Picture of a melting furnace, in front of it a table with the dining master and his apprentice.
The book gives long lists of different coins featuring details about their metal content, their fractions, their fabric and some criteria to enable the reader to judge whether a coin is fake or not. We find some descriptions of contemporary minting technology and instruments, too. One page shows a melting furnace. In front of it the mint master is having his dinner, his apprentice is standing next to him.
Both German and foreign collectors gave generously. We want to mention specially the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild. The most important sponsor was the coin company and auction house Fritz Rudolf Künker, who gave generously the complete amount of money, which was still missing for the restoration of the book.
Please find our first appeal here.
There you will find all the details, if you want to join the campaign “Coin Collectors for Cologne”.