May 15, 2014 – Over 40 Years of “The Shekel”, the Journal of Israel & Judaic History & Numismatics, are now available on the website of the American Israel Numismatic Association. All issues are digitized in high resolution as a pdf file so that they can be viewed as originally published.
In his President’s Message in the January-February 2014 issue of The Shekel, The Journal of Israel & Judaic History & Numismatics, Mel Wacks announced that all of the past issues of the Shekel (from 1968-2010) can be read on the website of the American Israel Numismatic Association (link at the end of the article), giving members, hobbyists, researchers and millions of people around the world access to what is now essentially “The Encyclopedia of Israel and Judaic Numismatics.”
Wacks indicates that “We owe a debt of gratitude to hundreds of our expert writers and especially to Dr. Thom Curtis, Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii at Hilo and his team of volunteer sociology students – Michael Sado, Ian Mitchener, Jodi Vierra, and Koran Munafo – who performed the time-consuming tasks of scanning and reformatting each issue. Each issue is being digitized in high resolution as a .pdf file so that it can be viewed as it was originally published with photos, graphics and advertisements intact. These files are searchable so readers will be able to use the search feature to identify articles containing keywords of interest.”
For those who prefer to read the latest issues of The Shekel, the bimonthly full-color award-winning magazine, are available for dues of $25 per year in the U.S., or for $35 for overseas orders.
To subscribe or order individual issues, visit the journal’s website.
You can access the online archive of the Shekel here.
As editor of The Shekel, Andrew Perala won the First Place Award for Outstanding Publication of a Specialty Coin Club in 2013, presented by the American Numismatic Association. Read the article in CoinsWeekly.