11th Auction of Numismatic Literature at Solidus
The now eleventh Solidus Literature Auction 112 on 12th March 2023 is a diverse collection of 773 lots of selected literature on numismatics of the Middle Ages and modern times, supplemented by a series of numismatic journals. The auction includes numerous standard works, especially on German and European numismatics. Some works on medals are also included in the auction. Among the journals there are both old journals, such as the Zeitschrift für Numismatik, and newer ones, such as the Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. These offer extensive essays on all numismatic topics. Highlights include the following lots:

- Beierlein, J.P.: Die Münzen und Medaillen des Gesammthauses Wittelsbach [The Coins and Medals of the House of Wittelsbach] auf Grund eines Manuscripts von J. P. Beierlein bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom K. Conservatorium des Münzkabinets. München 1897-1901. Bound in one volume.

- Huszar, L. / Procopius, B. von: Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn [Medal and Plaque Art in Hungary]. Budapest 1932. Impeccable condition.

- Catálogo de la Colección de monedas y medallas de Manuel Vidal Quadras y Ramón de Barcelona. Barcelona 1892. 4 Parts (complete). With dedication by the author. Extremely rare in the original. With ex libris “Santamaria”.

- Archiv für Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde 1st – 5th volume from the years 1913 – 1926. Complete set of all 5 volumes bound in three volumes. Very nice series.
With this carefully compiled auction, Solidus once again offers an excellent opportunity to expand one’s own numismatic library.
The Literature Auction 112 will take place on Sunday, 12 March 2023 at 16:00 CET as live auction on the platform Auex. You can place your maximum bids before the auction – or during the live auction, where you can bid on the lots in real time, similar to a floor auction, and actively influence what happens at the auction. Pre-bids are already possible.
All lots of the auction can be viewed on Auex.
For further information, visit the Solidus Website.