March 24, 2016 – Demetrius Siatras is an independent publisher based in Athens, Greece. He has recently published two books: one about coins of the Frankish occupation of Greece 1184-1566 and a reprint of six studies of Jean Svoronos on Byzantine numismatics.
A. P. Tzamalis, Coins of the Frankish Occupation of Greece 1184-1566. Athens, 2016. Soft cover, 29 cm, 320 pp., ill. With a Foreword by Professor D.M. Metcalf. ISBN: 978-618-81118-1-3.
This book is an amalgamation of the first greek edition of Tasos Tzamalis’ (1937-2012) book ‘Nomismata tis Frangokratias 1184-1566’ (Athens, 1981) and the articles he published in various periodicals in the years following in which he developed his theories about the Frankish coinage. In the two long articles, ‘The tornesio’ and ‘The first period of the tornesio’, among others, the author based on the secret signs (control marks) of the coins proves the existence of a third Mint in the Principality of Achaia; also the articles ‘Princess Isabelle and her husbands’, ‘The Frankish Mint of Athens’ and ‘The Elis/1964 hoard’ are particularly important in this respect. Much of the material presented here appears in English for the first time.
Jean Svoronos, BYZANTIAKA NOMISMATIKA ZITIMATA [BYZANTINE NUMISMATIC ISSUES]. Athens, 2016. Reprint of the 1899 edition with new digital editing and corrections. Soft cover, 25 cm, 80 pp., ill.: 70 coin drawings. ISBN: 978-618-81118-3-7
A collection of six studies in Greek on byzantine coins by Jean Svoronos (1863-1922), among which that one that solved the question of the four B’s on the coins of the Palaeologans.
You can find the book on the Academia profile of Demetrius Siatras Publisher.