International congress in Vienna on numismatist Joseph Eckhel

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May 7, 2015 – In Vienna an international congress at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (KHM) sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), project no. P25282: “Joseph Eckhel (1737-1798) and his Numismatic Network” will be completely dedicated to numismatist Joseph Eckhel: “Ars critica numaria. Joseph Eckhel (1737-1798) and the development of numismatic method” will take place from 27 to 30 May 2015.
The congress is organised by Bernhard Woytek and Daniela Williams. It will take place in various venue: Austrian Academy of Sciences; Theatersaal, Herbert Hunger Haus, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna; Clubraum, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna; Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna; Vortragsraum (2nd floor), Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 (ÖAW, Theatersaal)

Registration for speakers and participants

6 pm Welcome
Andreas Pülz (Director of the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture)
Bernhard Woytek (Head of the Division Documenta Antiqua)

François de Callataÿ (Brussels): Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA)

Bernhard Woytek (Vienna): Joseph Eckhel’s correspondence: a research project at the Austrian Academy

6.30 pm Keynote
Hans Erich Bödeker (Göttingen): Zwischen Gelehrsamkeit und Forschung. Umprägungen aufklärerischer Wissenschaftlichkeit

7.30 pm Buffet in the courtyard of the Herbert Hunger Haus

Thursday, May 28, 2015 (ÖAW, Clubraum)
Chair: Bernhard Woytek (Vienna)

9.30-10.15 am
Karl Vocelka (Vienna): Sammeln und Forschen im Geiste der Aufklärung. Wien in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts

15.15-11.00 am
Jean Guillemain (Paris): Eckhel et la tradition jésuite

11.00-11.30 am
Coffee break

11.30 am-12.15
Volker Heenes (Berlin): Eckhels Systematik im Kontext zeitgenössischer Forschungen zur Kunst der Antike (Montfaucon, Caylus, Winckelmann)

12.15-1.00 pm
François de Callataÿ (Brussels): “The father of the father”: the decisive role of Erasmus Frölich (1700-1758) for Viennese numismatics and beyond

1.00-3.30 pm

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vortragsraum (2nd floor). Chair: Fritz Mitthof (Vienna)

3.30-4.15 pm
Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha): Wie ordnet man die Antike? Das Programm einer Gesamtverzeichnung antiker Münzen von Lazius bis Eckhel

4.15-5.00 pm
Daniela Haarmann (Vienna): Eckhel and his colleagues in the Imperial Coin Cabinet

5.00-5.30 pm
Tea break

5.30-6.15 pm
Klaus Vondrovec (Vienna): Eckhel as a curator. The holdings of the Vienna Coin Cabinet in the later 18th century

6.15-7.30 pm
Visit to the Coin Cabinet

7.30 pm
Reception in the Friends’ Lounge of the KHM (2nd floor)

Friday, May 29, 2015 (ÖAW, Theatersaal). Chair: Reinhard Wolters (Vienna)

9.30-10.15 am
Daniela Williams (Vienna): From collection to system: Eckhel in Italy and the “Numi veteres anecdoti”

10.15-11.00 am
Peter Franz Mittag (Cologne): Eckhels numismatisches Lehrbuch. Die “Kurzgefaßten Anfangsgründe” und ihre Übersetzungen

11.00-11.30 am
Coffee break

11.30-12.15 am
Bernhard Woytek (Vienna): Georg Zoëga’s numismatic papers and the genesis of Eckhel’s “Doctrina”

12.15-1.00 pm
Andrew Burnett (London): “Scientia rei numariae”  – “Ars critica numaria” – “Doctrina numorum veterum”: What are the models?

1.00-2.30 pm

Chair: Michael Alram (Vienna)

2.30-3.15 pm
John Cunnally (Ames, Iowa): “Eckhel vs. Goltzius”: the reception of Renaissance numismatics in the “Doctrina”

3.15-4.00 pm
Federica Missere Fontana (Modena): Viaggiatori instancabili. Domenico Sestini critico di Eckhel

4.00-4.30 pm
Tea break

4.30-5.15 pm
Christian E. Dekesel & Yvette M. M. Dekesel-De Ruyck (Ghent): Joseph Hilarius Eckhel and Petrus Bernhardus Van Damme: the unholy relationship between a numismatic scholar and a wheeler-dealer

5.15-6.00 pm
Gabriella Tassinari (Milan): Eckhel e le gemme, antiche e “moderne”

Saturday, May 30, 2015 (ÖAW, Theatersaal). Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha)

9.30-10.15 am
Jonathan Kagan (New York): Eckhel and Britain: a slow courtship

10.15-11.00 am
Maria Cristina Molinari (Rome): De numis urbium Italicarum ex aere gravi: the contribution of J. Eckhel against the background of the studies of G. B. Passeri, Cardinal de Zelada and Cardinal Borgia

11.00-11.30 am
Coffee break

11.30-12.15 pm
Daniel Schopper (Vienna): Towards a web of scholarly communication: Joseph Eckhel’s correspondence as a digital edition

12.15-1.00 pm
Final discussion chaired by F. de Callataÿ and B. Woytek: The future of FINA

Please register online (free of charge).
For further questions please contact Bernhard Woytek or Daniela Williams.

For more details go to the congress website.