Monday, 2025.03.10
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Tag: PNG

Be Aware of King Charles III “Pretender”

The UK has a new king but newly advertised coins depicting King Charles III that are issued by countries not part of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth might not be a good long-term investment warns the Professional Numismatists Guild.

PNG and ANA Renaming Important Awards

The Professional Numismatists Guild and the American Numismatic Association renamed two of their important numismatic awards honoring two prominent contemporary figures of the numismatic world: Harvey G. Stack and Chester L. Krause.

PNG Now Accepting 2019 Awards Nominations

Every year the PNG publicly recognizes outstanding achievements in the hobby and the profession by honoring deserving recipients with awards in a half-dozen categories. Award nominations for 2019 must be made by May 31, 2019.
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