Monday, 2025.02.24
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Tag: Ottoman Empire

Mehmet the Conqueror

In his book, Christopher Eimer documents the close relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Italy in the early Renaissance by means of a medal that features the youthful portrait of Mehmet the Conqueror. Ursula Kampmann took a look at it.

Collector, Maecenas, Patient – The Tragic Life of Rudolf II. Part 3: The Collector

As a result of the Turkish war, Rudolf saw his God-given omnipotence tarnished. Thus, the melancholy emperor sought refuge in his art collection, for which he always had money. However, this didn’t help him against his ambitious brother Matthias.

Collector, Maecenas, Patient – The Tragic Life of Rudolf II

Rudolf II went down in history as an unworldly emperor hiding in the witches’ kitchens of alchemists. In this three-part series we analyse the phenomenon Rudolf II. Here you find all three parts.

Collector, Maecenas, Patient – The Tragic Life of Rudolf II. Part 2: The Emperor

On his coins, Rudolf II displayed the high aspirations he had for his reign. However, day-to-day business was though and then war broke out against the Turks. And medals played a crucial role in it.
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