Numismatic Rarities and Collections at Rapp in Wil
In the first week of May, the idyllic St Gall town of Wil in Switzerland will once again become a meeting place for coin collectors. In the afternoon of 6 May 2022, Rapp’s numismatic auction will take place. It is part of Rapp’s auction week that comprises a wealth of items, which are presented in six auction catalogues: The sale starts with high-class stamps and outstanding philatelic objects, which will be on sale from 2 to 4 May. This will be followed by two auctions of watches and jewelry on 4 and 5 May. The 6 May is reserved for numismatics. The auction week will close on 7 May 2022 with two online auctions for porcelain, jewelry, watches and luxury handbags.
As always, customers can look forward to an offer that only comprises fresh pieces that come directly from collectors. Collections and precious individual items are looking for new owners. Those who cannot come to the viewing can study the material in Rapp’s online catalogue. Entire collections were completely digitized solely for this purpose, enabling anyone to find out which treasures the lots contain. Rapp deliberately does not separate interesting objects but offers them as multiple lots.

The Rapp Concept
Specialists call this approach the “Rapp concept”, which has also established itself in the traditional coin trade in recent years. It’s clear why this is an advantage to the buyer: they receive fresh, unsorted goods with exciting pieces. And sellers are also happy with this method. After all, not a single lot is sold for the starting price at a Rapp auction sale – on the contrary. Expect to have to bid many times the starting price to get one of the coveted lots.
This is due to the large group of buyers that gathers for every Rapp auction in Wil. For Rapp knows what collectors want. That’s why Peter Rapp and Marianne Rapp-Ohmann made their auction sales a social event. The culinary delights in the Rapp Collectors Lounge are legendary. Rapp made use of the quiet time during the past two years to make everything even more beautiful. Bidders can unwind in this exclusive space with the finest champagne and a premium wine selection.
Rapp auctions have style, and customers value that. Many people who appreciate beauty of any form gather for the Rapp auction week and participate in the bidding – and not just regarding objects of their main field of interest. After all, are there really collectors who are only interested in one single field?

A Special Kind of Bullion Coins
That’s why bullion coins realize especially attractive results at Rapp. The offer is large, the possibility to combine investing and collecting by purchasing one of the extensive lots is highly interesting. Especially in uncertain times like ours, many people rely on bullion coins to protect their assets.
So come to view the lots and choose the one you consider most exciting. But remember: viewing the items at Rapp requires an appointment! There is no exception. You can make your appointment online or simply call the auction house.

Numismatic Treasures from Antiquity to the Present Day
Peter Rapp will auction a total of 381 lots with coins, medals and banknotes in the afternoon of 6 May 2022. The pieces cover a spectrum from antiquity to present times and come from all over the world. The special focus is on Swiss coins and medals, a section that comprises 150 lots exactly. But there are also many issues from the neighboring countries Austria, Liechtenstein and Germany – especially from Bavaria.
And this takes us to the presentation of some particularly attractive individual pieces. For example, Rapp offers the last Bavarian gold coin of outstanding quality, minted by Ludwig III in 1914. It represents an extensive offer, which also includes older Bavarian silver coins and large selections of Geschichtstalers (history talers), which contains rare and high-quality specimens of this series.

A Rich Selection of Coins from Liechtenstein
Anyone who collects coins from Liechtenstein should save May 6 in their calendar. They can expect a rich selection of rare silver and gold coins, including mainly Liechtenstein commemorative coins and medals of the Princely House that were issued since the 1960s.

One of Rapp’s Specialties: Swiss Numismatics
We already said it: Switzerland is represented by 150 lots. To get a better idea of the wealth of the offer, you have to keep in mind that some of the lots comprise entire collections. The material ranges from A as in Appenzell to Z as in Zurich. Collectors will find Swiss talers as well as rare gold coins, ornate medals and vrenelis.
Especially those interested in Bern will discover magnificent rarities, particularly in gold. There’s a lot to see: from an extremely rare 1797 eightfold ducat(!) of exceptional quality to splendid medals of merit. Particularly interesting is the medal made on behalf of the Council of Bern in 1730 for Lieutenant Henchoz, which depicts Androclus and the Lion. The image illustrates a Roman fable, which was readily used to express gratitude. The medal with a weight of 52.27g seems to be the second known specimen of this weight. Eisler’s standard work cites only one other specimen; the sixbid archive does not know another piece of this weight either.

The coins of the Helvetic Republic were also created in Bern. This short-lived state on Swiss soil came into being on 12 April 1798 on the orders of revolutionary France to replace the Old Swiss Confederacy. Its coin motifs, on the other hand, do not seem to be that revolutionary. They resemble the motifs of the last Bern gold coins with the standing warrior.

Another numismatic highlight is a fine collection that was assembled over decades and contains 5 franc pieces (or “Fünfliber” pieces as the Swiss say) from the years between 1850 and 1928. The collector paid great attention to quality. Therefore, the 5 franc piece of 1928 is probably one of the pieces of the best quality that still exist today – only 23,971 specimens were minted of this coin type and almost as many melted down again. There is a good reason why the minted specimens were destroyed. The Latin Monetary Union had already come to an end one year earlier; now Switzerland could adjust the precious metal content of its silver coins to the real value ratios without consulting foreign powers. For the continuation of the series in 1931, size and weight were reduced.

At least as rare – if not rarer – is the so-called “Durussel pattern”, a pattern for a new 20 franc piece of the Confederation from 1871. In his reference work on Swiss patterns, Richter mentions about 25 to 30 minted specimens. In fact, Swiss policymakers decided not to mint any gold coins at the time and to rely on silver from then on. Switzerland only started to mint gold issues in 1883.
The Durussel pattern is one example for several extremely rare patterns of Swiss issues in this auction. On offer are the “Wiener pattern” and two “Drei-Punkt-Proben” (three dot patterns).
Some rare error coins take us to Swiss medals and shooting talers with extensive series of 19th– and 20th-century medals.

Rarities from Europe and Overseas
In this preview, we will only mention two examples to illustrate the fact that collectors of coins from other countries should also study the catalogue carefully. Rapp offers an extremely rare 20 dollar piece from 1871 minted in Carson City / Nevada.
It will probably prove to be just as sought after as an even rarer 5 ducat piece depicting St Wenceslas, minted in 1931 in the Kremnica mint – the issue was limited to 1,528 specimens.
What Else Should You Know?
As you can see, it’s well worth coming to Wil. And – finally – in person. For Rapp offers enough space to keep your distance in its spacious premises and its auction room of more than 140 square meters. Large automated disinfection dispensers are at your disposal. Currently, there are no Covid restriction in place in Switzerland. Thus, you do not have to show any certificate. We will inform you on our website regarding possible changes.
Please note, however, that you must make an appointment for the viewing. For security reasons, there are only limited places available. If you come without an appointment, Rapp cannot guarantee that you will be able to view the pieces and you probably have to wait for a long time.
And for all those who prefer to bid from home: auction house Rapp has more than ten years of experience with online bidding and online sales. Thousands of customers have tried it and are highly satisfied. Thus, bidding from your computer at home is a valid option, although you can only experience a small part of Rapp’s special VIP service if you choose this option.
Order Your Catalogue
You can order your catalogue at Peter Rapp AG, Internationale Auktionen für Briefmarken & Münzen, Toggenburgerstr. 139, post box 276, CH-9500 Wil, phone: +41 / 71 / 923 77 44; fax: +41 / 71 / 923 92 20. Email.
You can also view the auction catalog online and place bids directly.
For more information about the sale visit the Rapp website.