
Money Personalities and Mysteries
List of contents
I Ching – The Book of Change
Released on 28. Sep. 2015
I Ching is the oldest book in the world and one of the most important books in world literature. It contains the wisdom of millenia, which is still valid for present-day man as well. A picture tour…
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What is Money?
Released on 04. Aug. 2015
The founder of the MoneyMuseum talks about his personal experience.
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What Money Type are you?
Released on 06. Jul. 2015
Do you handle money like Scrooge McDuck, Charlie Brown, Happy-Go-Lucky or a moneymaker? Try this test and find out.
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Love – the all-binding principle
Released on 08. Jun. 2015
You are living in a reality where the unity has fallen apart. That has generated the need to put the different poles together again, in order to create unity.
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Serendipity – the money secret
Released on 15. May. 2015
Serendipity is the most important money secret I know. The founder of the MoneyMuseum talks about his findings.
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Is getting rich worth it?
Released on 12. Jan. 2015
A man, who made a lot of money after selling a tech startup, offers a nuanced and insightful answer to the above-mentioned question. Published by an anonymous author in Business Insider.
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Susanne Schanz – Entrepreneur in Catering
Released on 04. Aug. 2014
After her degree in food science, Susanne Schanz had the idea to start a gourmet catering service delivering fine meals to clients’ homes. With little in the way of money, but with plenty of energy, she set off to realize her dream.
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What can capital achieve? A number of philosophical considerations
Released on 13. Oct. 2014
Everybody talks about money, over what they have or over what they lack. Some people also talk about assets, about the wealth they would like to possess but do not have. Philosopher Andreas Urs Sommer takes us deeper into this labyrinthine subject.
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Art and Mystery
Released on 18. Sep. 2014
Philosopher Andreas Urs Sommer reflects on four graphics by the artist Martin Schwarz, first pondering the elemental nature of the point. He then considers the invisible and the paradox of secrets, and finally shares his musings on the linked words “live” and “love.”
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Text to the parable of the rich fool
Released on 21. Aug. 2014
Text to the parable of the rich fool.
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Lukas 12: The parable of the rich fool
Released on 21. Aug. 2014
Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, “Master, tell my brother to divide his inheritance with me.” Jesus replied, “Who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you two?”
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Text to the parable of the Talents
Released on 15. Jul. 2014
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Matthew 25: The parable of the Talents
Released on 15. Jul. 2014
The parable ends with those words: “Those who have will be given more, and will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”
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Text to the parable of the widow’s offering
Released on 18. Jun. 2014
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Mark 12: The parable of the widow’s offering
Released on 18. Jun. 2014
Jesus sat across from the place where the offerings were made and watched the crowd
give their money to the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “This poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
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The Nine Types of Coin Collectors
Released on 19. May. 2014
An article by the historian Ursula Kampmann
What kind of person passionately assembles a coin collection, piece-by-piece, over years? A perfectionist, curiousity-driven, a speculator? With tongue slightly in cheek, the author examines the strange tribe of coin collectors.
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Text to a parable of the laborers in the vineyard
Released on 28. Apr. 2014
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Matthew 20: The parable of the laborers in the vineyard
Released on 14. Apr. 2014
The landowner replied, “Friend, I have done you no wrong … Take what is yours, and be on your way … May I not do as I wish with what is mine? Or are you envious because I am generous?”
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Text to a parable of price versus value (Zurich Bible, Markus 14)
Released on 18. Feb. 2014
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A parable of price versus value
Released on 18. Feb. 2014
While he was in Bethany, visiting the home of Simon, a woman came to the house with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head …
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Text to the parable of the rich man (Zurich Bible, Mark 10)
Released on 17. Jan. 2014
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Markus 10: The parable of the rich man
Released on 17. Jan. 2014
Jesus then said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.“
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Money Personality Test Part 2
Released on 14. Jan. 2014
This test reveals what your attitude to money is. So take part in it. It’s quite simple: a click of the mouse takes you from one statement about money to the next and express your opinion on it: http://moneypersonality.ch
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Money Personality Test Part 1
Released on 14. Jan. 2014
This test reveals what your attitude to money is. So take part in it. It’s quite simple: a click of the mouse takes you from one statement about money to the next and express your opinion on it: http://moneypersonality.ch
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Text to a parable of investing (Zurich Bible, Lukas 8)
Released on 12. Jan. 2014
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Lukas 08: A parable of investing
Released on 12. Jan. 2014
A farmer went out to sow his seed … Still other seeds fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. And some seeds fell on good soil and yielded a crop a hundred times more than was sown
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