15-04-2016 – 01-01-1970
Online Numismatic Book Auction
Kolbe & Fanning Online Sale closes Saturday, April 16
Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers announce that their next online numismatic book auction will take place on Saturday, April 16, beginning at 11:30 a.m., Eastern Time.
The April 16 auction is the latest in Kolbe & Fanning’s series of smaller online numismatic book auctions held by the firm in addition to their traditional printed-catalogue sales and public auctions. This sale includes a wide variety of material, covering ancient, medieval and modern foreign, and U.S. numismatics, and features 400 lots ranging in estimated value from $20 to $400. All lots are illustrated and feature the full descriptions collectors have come to expect from Kolbe & Fanning.
A few sale highlights include:
Lot 20: Cahn, Herbert A. DIE MÜNZEN DER SIZILISCHEN STADT NAXOS. EIN BEITRAG ZUR KUNSTGESCHICHTE DES GRIECHISCHEN WESTENS. Basel, 1944. 8vo, original printed card covers with mounted illustration. 168 pages; 12 fine plates. Very good or better.
Cahn’s important work on the coinage of Naxos (lot 20)
Perizonius’s 1713 work on the aes grave (lot 67)
Lot 71: Riccio, Giudice Gennaro. LE MONETE DELLE ANTICHE FAMIGLIE DI ROMA FINO ALLO IMPERADORE AUGUSTO […]. Napoli: Stamperia e Cartiere del Fibreno, 1843. Seconda edizione. 4to, (2), viii, 288 (2) pages. 71 lithographic plates of ancient Roman coins; plate of monograms. Very good or better.
The best edition (1843) of Riccio on the Roman family coins (lot 71)
Dannenberg’s indispensible work on medieval German coins (lot 115)
Lot 134: Grueber, Herbert A. MEDALLIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND TO THE DEATH OF GEORGE II. London: Printed by the Trustees of the British Museum, (1904)-1911. Nineteen parts complete, housed in 14 portfolios. 183 superb plates. Generally fine.
An original set of plates to ‘Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland’ (lot 134)
Barber’s 1841 ‘The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey’, including what may be the earliest depictions of the copper coins of New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts (lot 234)
Lot 395: Yeoman, R.S. A GUIDE BOOK OF UNITED STATES COINS. 45TH (1992) REVISED EDITION. ANA CENTENNIAL EDITION. Racine: Western, 1991. 8vo, original red leatherette, gilt. 286 pages; illustrated. Fine.
A fine copy of the ANA Centennial special edition Red Book (lot 395).
The online sale is available now for browsing and absentee bidding here.
A PDF of the catalogue can be downloaded for the convenience of the reader through the firm’s regular website.