Wednesday, 2025.03.12
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Agrippa’s Meeting of Kings at Tiberias

Josephus tells us of a most interesting meeting in Tiberias, apparently convened by Agrippa I (37-44 CE), grandson of Herod the Great, probably around 42 CE...

Surcharge of the Money Changers

Do you know, why there were money changers in the Temple of Jerusalem and how much they did earn? No, you don’t? Well, then you should read the article of David Hendin on this very special detail of every day’s life in the ancient Holy Land...

The coin in the fish’s mouth

Matthew 17:24-27 reports that Peter found a coin in a fish’s mouth, which was meant for paying the Temple tribute. David Hendin explains what kind of coin it was and what was the most common silver coin in the ancient Holy Land...

Helena, the First Christian Pilgrim

Inspired by a visit of the church of Santa Croce. David Hendin recalls to us the story of Helena, mother of Constantine, a "rags to riches" story, which ends with the first Christian pilgrim establishing the tradition of pilgrimage to the Holy Land and bringing to Rome pieces of the True Cross...

Pilgrim’s Ring and Coin of the Jewish War

This is the story of a ring, bought from an Arab in Jerusalem, the feasts of Shavout and Sukkot and a coin of the Jewish War...

The temple of Zeus Hypsistos on Mount Gerizim near Neapolis

Present-day Nablus in Palestine had an intriguing history in antiquity. On near-by Mount Gerizim an old sanctuary of the Samaritans was situated which the Greeks and Romans re-interpreted and dedicated to Zeus. Only coins bear witness of the former significance of the temple.

The ‘Modest Aphrodite’ from Nysa-Scythopolis (Beth Shean) and Ptolemais (Akko)

A comparison between a statue of Aphrodite found at Beth Shean and a coin type from the mint of Ptolemais reminds us of the realistic nature of statues appearing on city coins.

In our archive, we have made all of the content available which has been published since CoinsWeekly was established.

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