Friday, 2025.01.10
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Ursula Kampmann


Numismatic Episodes from Australia

Monday, September 27th, 2010, the Mint Directors Conference will start in Australian Canberra. There, executive staff members from mints all over the world will meet in order to discuss about pending problems. CoinsWeekly will introduce itself to the members of the congress with the following three little episodes from Australian numismatic history printed within the congress’s daily journal...

What was salvation’s price?

How much did a believer of the late Middle Ages invest in order to win salvation? We will add up figures coming from a really built chapel in order to figure it out...

War is father of all

Clearly, it is evident to everyone that there are taxes to be paid. It has always been that way, one is inclined to think. But, there have been times when the rulers were obliged to ask the ruled if they were willing to pay a new tax. Why that has changed you can read here...

A Numismatic Journey Through the History of Poland

In 2011 World Money Fair welcomes the mint of Poland as guest of honor. On this occasion we will present some modern Polish coins dedicated to the interesting history of this nation. There are only few countries in the world, where history is still such an important issue in everyday life!

War is the father of all things. A short history of the art of besiegement: Part 1

A lot of stories can be told based on numismatic objects. The history of besiegement is one of them and thus, in memory of collector Georg Baums, we will concern ourselves with it and observe how fortresses on medals change over time.

Money supply the Italian way

On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened in occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance a fraudulent imitation of Schaffhausen coins initiated by Prince Siro of Austria at Correggio.

The schneckentaler from Zug

On June 20, 2012 an exhibition on the occasion of 25 years of Sturzenegger foundation was opened in Schaffhausen. During all these years the numismatic collection has received many important acquisitions, too, like for example a schneckentaler from Zug.

Prophet Daniel in the lion’s den in Basel

On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened on the occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance this medal from Basel featuring Prophet Daniel in the lion’s den.

Waser – a calumniated mayor and his coins

On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened on the occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance this so-called wasertaler, a coin which tells about envy, calumniation, and the vanity of integrity.

Swissmint – Federal Mint in the Kirchenfeld / Bern

The Swiss Mint was founded more than 100 years ago. Read here how a mint looked like in those days...
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