Monday, 2025.02.24
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Ursula Kampmann


Medieval Sicily Part 3: Arab Influence

The Arabs didn’t just rule Sicily. They had such an impact on its art and culture that this influence continued to have an effect long after the expulsion of the Muslim masters. This episode tells of what Europe owes to them.

A donative of Constantine the Great

This impressive piece belongs to a small series of silver medallions celebrating the vicennalia of Constantine II, the eldest surviving son of Constantine the Great, in 336.

The coins of Alexander III the Great of Macedonia

Few historical figures have spurred people’s imagination like Alexander, King of the Macedonians. Up to the present day, his coins range amongst those every coin collector likes to add to his collection. Fortunately, these pieces come in great numbers, so that every collector can afford at least one specimen!

Gold for Portugal

Portugaleser, that is how the magnificent large gold coins are called that were produced in Hamburg. But what do they have to do with Portugal? The answer lies in the route the African gold has taken in the Early Modern Times...

The Nine Types of Coin Collectors

You will find them everywhere in their natural surroundings: at coin shows, auction sales, in coin shops, at the flea market... But, there is only very few information about the genus of coin collector. It seems to form a part of the biological family of collectors, which for its part belongs – without any doubt – to the human beings. This is the first attempt to describe the nine hitherto known species of coin collectors...

The Mint of the United States of America in Philadelphia

In contrast to many other mints which seldom allow a visit to their production site, the Philadelphia Mint offered their visitors a comprehensive program including official guided tours and souvenirs as early as the end of the 19th century...

The sacrilege of Tarpeia – or propaganda under Augustus

Augustus’ reign went down in history as a Golden Age even though hardly any other emperor had more lives on his conscience. How did the “Prince of Peace” who continuously fought wars make his citizens believe that they lived in the happiest of all worlds?

Charles of Anjou and the Sicilian Vespers

19 children Frederick II had had but his family was to be wiped out only a few years after his death. The enmity of the Pope is to blame or that – and an extremely effective opponent…

Money in Other Societies: Traditional Means of Payment from the Kuhn Collection – Part 1

In 2010 the MoneyMuseum in Zurich was able to acquire a part of the Kuhn collection. In order to facilitate the visitors’ approach to these odd means of payment a brochure has been issued, which we publish here by courtesy of the MoneyMuseum and the Sunflower Foundation...

Money in Other Societies: Traditional Means of Payment from the Kuhn Collection – Part 2

In 2010 the MoneyMuseum in Zurich was able to acquire a part of the Kuhn collection. In order to facilitate the visitors’ approach to these odd means of payment a brochure has been issued, which we publish here by courtesy of the MoneyMuseum and the Sunflower Foundation...
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