Wednesday, 2025.03.12
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Numismatic Puzzle: Victory Over the Gallic Forces!

Caesar’s great success was his victory over Gaul. This was also celebrated by a denarius of 48 BC by one of his followers. A Gallic warrior is shown as prisoner with a rope around his neck. But see, I mean: solve the puzzle for yourself!

Numismatic Puzzle: Julia Domna

Without Julia Domna, Septimius Severus would not have been able to found a dynasty. His wife did not only bore him two sons. She also made her mark in politics. Aristocratic ladies were especially inspired by her hairstyle. Our aureus shows how complicated it was.

Numismatic Puzzle: Louis XIII

Today’s puzzle is a 1641 Louis d‘or by King Louis XIII of France.

Numismatic Puzzle: 1980 1 Jiao (People’s Republic of China)

Today’s puzzle is a Chinese 1980 1 Jiao.

Numismatic Puzzle: Filippo Maria Visconti

This fiorino d’oro from around 1430 depicts Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, tearing along on his horse. The animal’s saddlecloth features the coat of arms (the “biscione”). It became the symbol of the whole of Lombardy – and also of car manufacturer Alfa Romeo.

Numismatic Puzzle: Christian IV (Denmark)

Today’s puzzle is a 1625 ½ krone of Christian IV of Denmark.

Numismatic Puzzle: Anastasius and Clovis

In the 5th century, new rulers established themselves in the Western Roman Empire – and they often had little experience in coinage. This gold coin imitates a solidus of the Eastern Roman Emperor Anastasius, but it was minted in Gaul under the Merovingian King Clovis I.

Numismatic Puzzle: Feather Money

Today’s puzzle is a teau of feather money, wrapped in palm leaves from the Santa Cruz Islands.

Numismatic Puzzle: 2 Euro Vatican Benedict XVI

Today’s puzzle is a 2 euro coin of the Vatican with Pope Benedict XVI (2012).

Numismatic Puzzle: Finland’s Lion

In 1917, Finland separated from the Russian Empire and became an independent republic. This 1-markka coin of 1922 depicts the young state’s coat of arms, which dates back to the 16th century and can still be seen on Finland’s euro coins: a lion with a sword.
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