Thursday, 2025.03.06
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Ottoman Imtiyaz medal awarded to German Emperor William I yields 161,000 Euros

On December 30, 1883, the Ottoman ruler drafted a decree by which he invested the German Emperor William I, his new confederate, into the Golden Order of Merit of his country, called Nishan Imtiyaz. That honor was intended to strengthen the political ties between the German Emperor and the Empire at the Bosporus River...

The Counts of Montfort and their Coinage

The last reigning count of Montfort sold his county to the Austrians and retired on a pension. Thus ended a secular history of his family which coin collectors might know particularly as producer of fake and imitative coins.

Numismatic witnesses to Denmark’s colonial past

Künker auction sale no. 244, to be conducted on 6th February 2014, will present a couple of coins that bear witness to Denmark’s colonial past. The Danish merchants wanted their share of the wealth from the distant continents, too. And that is why these coins take us to present-day Ghana, to South India and into the Caribbean.

The Teutonic Order in Livonia

Walter of Plettenberg managed to introduce the Reformation in Livonia in 1522 and, at the same time, to secure the continuity of the Order’s reign. From him comes a very special gold giant...

Graspable Testimonies – Testimonies to Piety from Another Time: Part 2

On 16 October, 2014, the Werner Jaggi Collection will be sold. It is the largest collection of numismatic testimonies on religious beliefs and customs the market has ever seen. Here you will find information about pieces from Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

Money supply the Italian way

On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened in occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance a fraudulent imitation of Schaffhausen coins initiated by Prince Siro of Austria at Correggio.

German cutting edge technology in the Chinese Empire

On February 6th, 2016, 42 Chinese coin dies and 36 punches from the holdings of Otto Beh’s company will be handed over to the state coin cabinet of Saxony-Anhalt. They attest to an exciting chapter of German history of technology.

A numismatic relic of the Miracle of Bern

On November 22, 2011, the auction house Rapp in Wil will auction off a numismatic relic of one remarkable event in the history of sports. On July 4, 1954 Lászlo Budai and the legendary “Mighty Magyars” won “only” silver...

Antonio Abondio – An artist with special talents

Antonio Abondio made a career for himself as an artist in 16th century Vienna and Prague. The Italian medalist created portraits of powerful people, even the emperor, and influenced colleagues in all of Europe. Sincona offers in its next sale several of Abondio’s works.

Bohemia and the House of Habsburg – a conflict-laden relationship

Habsburg coins having been minted in the Prague Mint is something we very much take for granted. In its Auction 285, to be held on 2 February 2017, the auction house Künker offers an entire series of these. But it was anything but ordained by God that Bohemia became subject to the rule of the House of Habsburg.

In our archive, we have made all of the content available which has been published since CoinsWeekly was established.

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