Sunday, 2024.12.22
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Coin Collecting – How-to-do-it

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet...

In our archive, we have made all of the content available which has been published since CoinsWeekly was established.

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